80/20 is the new Half-Ass

The Pareto Principle is making you lazy.

Let me be more precise: The Pareto distribution is a useful model of power law effects in real life. But people are using it poorly, primarily as an excuse to be lazy.

This thought was triggered by Shaan Puri’s newsletter featuring Steph Smith this week (both of whom I greatly respect, this is a jumping off point, not a dunk):

You hear 80/20 rules a lot in premium mediocre circles. If you want to signal that you are smarter than the average 80/20 bear, you might refer to the ”high order bit” instead. Same shit, different status signal.

The spirit of the idea is sound. It’s great for 280 character tweets and 5 minute soundbites. But idk if it’s good for people who finish things. At best, I don’t think it’s sufficient for execution. At worst, it’s just intellectually dishonest.

Look at reactions like this:

“Love this [80/20] framing! Great way to remove the fluff and get to the core”.

I’m sorry but the remaining 80% is not “the fluff”:

  • People forget that the devil is in the details. The first 20% everyone knows to say on Twitter. The remaining 80% is the ugly, nasty, hacky, unglamorous shit nobody talks about unless you’ve got time to sweat the details (unless you’ve already moved on to the next 80/20?).
    • The more popular the 80/20 meme becomes, the less competition you will have as someone who knows how to take things to the finish line.
  • People forget that causal attribution is subject to narrative fallacy. Ask a successful person what their 80/20 was and they’ll confidently tell you in hindsight. The truth is at the time they had 4 other bets also going on that just didn’t work out.
  • People forget that distributions aren’t always Pareto. When you assert that “an 80/20” exists, you are asserting useful dimensionality reduction. Sometimes complex, or even linear, things just do not have an “80/20”.

I’m reminded of that classic movie Click, where Adam Sandler finds a magic remote that lets him “80/20 his life”:

Don’t spend your life spraying 20% effort all over the place, hoping for 80% results, only to look back and wonder why you never hit 100% on anything.

Edit: The always excellent David Golden wrote a wonderful response to this piece highlighting the cases where 80/20 is actually very justified, and I agree!

This topic is loosely related to Epistemology, which I’ve written about briefly.

Tagged in: #reflections #advice

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  • avatar of Bryan D. Wilhite
    Bryan D. Wilhite mentioned this on 2021-07-20

    80/20 is the new Half-Ass ∊ swyx.io Don't spend your life spraying 20% effort all over the place, hoping for 80% results, only to look back and wonder why you never hit 100% on anything. swyx.io/8020/

  • avatar of Valeri Karpov
    Valeri Karpov mentioned this on 2021-05-21

    Great blog post by @swyx about the downside of 80/20. 80/20 gets you 80% of the way there, but the reality is that you're better off being top 1% in one competitive field than top 20% in everything. And 80/20 thinking won't get you there.

  • avatar of Evgenii Ponomarev
    Evgenii Ponomarev mentioned this on 2021-05-16

    > The more popular the 80/20 meme becomes, the less competition you will have as someone who knows how to take things to the finish line swyx.io/8020

  • avatar of Emmanuel 🗿
    Emmanuel 🗿 mentioned this on 2021-05-14

    This article swyx.io/8020/

  • avatar of HN Front Page
    HN Front Page mentioned this on 2021-05-07
  • avatar of Eric Gauderman BLM
    Eric Gauderman BLM mentioned this on 2021-05-09

    Interesting: swyx.io/8020/ Also the response: xdg.me/80-20/

  • avatar of Ashton Coghlan
    Ashton Coghlan mentioned this on 2021-05-07

    "the devil is in the details. The first 20% everyone knows to say on Twitter. The remaining 80% is the ugly, nasty, hacky, unglamorous shit nobody talks about unless you've got time to sweat the details" swyx.io/8020/

  • avatar of Hacker News記事題日本語翻訳
    Hacker News記事題日本語翻訳 mentioned this on 2021-05-07

    80/20は新しいHalf-Assです swyx.io/8020/

  • avatar of Hacker News 50
    Hacker News 50 mentioned this on 2021-05-07
  • avatar of Arvid Kahl
    Arvid Kahl mentioned this on 2021-05-07

    Yo @swyx, I love your take on the 80/20 principle. Context and nuance. That's what's needed. (David's response is super insightful, too) swyx.io/8020/

  • avatar of Angsuman Chakraborty
    Angsuman Chakraborty mentioned this on 2021-05-07

    80/20 is the new Half-Ass swyx.io/8020/

  • avatar of Winson Tang
    Winson Tang mentioned this on 2021-05-07

    80/20 is the new Half-Ass swyx.io/8020/?utm_sour…

  • avatar of Hacker News 20
    Hacker News 20 mentioned this on 2021-05-07
  • avatar of Dominic Magnifico
    Dominic Magnifico mentioned this on 2021-05-07

    Excellent post from @swyx as per usual. This feels the same as the rise of the generalist. Specialists are getting harder and harder to come by, especially in the dev world. Folks everywhere are looking for that 80% return on 20% of the work.

  • avatar of Jianhua Cheng
    Jianhua Cheng mentioned this on 2021-05-02

    Great post by @swyx swyx.io/8020

  • avatar of Nadeem Shabir 🌷
    Nadeem Shabir 🌷 mentioned this on 2021-05-02

    80/20 is the new Half-Ass “The Pareto distribution is a useful model of power law effects in real life. But people are using it poorly, primarily as an excuse to be lazy” swyx.io/8020

  • avatar of Jerome Dahdah @ 🇩🇪→🇳🇱
    Jerome Dahdah @ 🇩🇪→🇳🇱 mentioned this on 2021-04-30

    "80/20 is the new Half-Ass" ∊ swyx.io swyx.io/8020

  • avatar of Mike
    Mike mentioned this on 2021-04-29

    I think this rule is great for: * overcoming resistance and getting started * getting specific (ironically, we ditch these details at the beginning) Motivation comes from action, and this idea might help us to come to the level when we’re capable of doing remaining 20% at 100%

  • avatar of Mike
    Mike mentioned this on 2021-04-29

    Also it’s super useful for things that we care, but not that much (like Apple Watch tips in this case). Many of the recommendations for ‘I got x, wat do’ are from powerusers that will try to instil power strategies. These are almost useless at the beginning.

  • avatar of Max Collinge
    Max Collinge mentioned this on 2021-04-29

    Way better to be 5x as effective in the same time than to be stagnant with more time to think about it.

  • avatar of Tariq Ramadan
    Tariq Ramadan retweeted
  • avatar of swyx
    swyx mentioned this on 2021-04-29

    thanks for the feedback and thanks for not taking it personally :) i am very much processing these thoughts as I go.

  • avatar of swyx
    swyx mentioned this on 2021-04-29

    thanks for feedback :)

  • avatar of swyx
    swyx mentioned this on 2021-04-29

    Zeno's paradox applied to builders 👏 thanks for the quick thoughts.

  • avatar of Shaan Puri
    Shaan Puri mentioned this on 2021-04-28

    The trick is that you don’t just do 20% and then stop. You continuously locate the next 20% that will create 80% of the desired result. Focusing on getting maximum leverage/impact Do that over and over and over again It’s full effort.

  • avatar of Callum Flack
    Callum Flack mentioned this on 2021-04-28

    "removing [20%] the fluff" may well turn out to be the magic sauce. There is no substitute for craft/taste/knowhow. Go the distance. Learn to enjoy hard work. Enjoying @swyx's writing of late.

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