Make your own CMS livestream - Part 2
swyx 2020-03-29
This is day 2 of my livecode CMS. See Day 1 here
Source: Demo:
Things covered
- Syntax Highlighted Editors (Monaco, Prism.js, finally Highlight.js)
- React Hook Form:
- React Query:
- Tailwind UI:
Here is the YouTube livestream (3 hours).
Dev.To embed:
For the 1st half, it was pretty easy going. I was mostly pulling components off of Tailwind UI and assembling an editor!
For the 2nd half, I mainly faced issues with trying to integrate Monaco and then Prism.js. Finally landed on Highlight.js.
Catch up on the CMS LiveStream!
- Day 1 - Setup Next.js and Tailwind UI, list posts through API routes - 90 mins
- Day 2 - setting up a Markdown Editor with Next.js, Tailwind UI, Highlight.js, React Hook Form, and React Query - 3 hours
- Quick Fix - How To Add Monaco Editor to a Next.js app - 18 mins
- Day 3 - Refactoring to Edit Existing Posts - 3 hours
- Day 4 - Polish Day! Implementing Notifications, Markdown preview, and programmatic Redirects, and Using Web Components in Next.js - 3 hours
- Instant GraphQL with OneGraph - Screenshares in Public with Sean Grove - refactoring handrolled API access with OneGraph and GraphQL
- How and Why to Un-Reset Tailwindβs CSS Reset