The Meta-Creator Ceiling

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How many should be teaching people how to succeed instead of just succeeding in their own way?

As independent creators carve out a new career path for themselves, I suspect that some are unintentionally picking a path that limits their growth and robs the world of their true potential.

This theory was triggered by this Hunter Walk tweet:

Hunter Walk: the emerging newsletter playbook seems to be

The message is clear: By doing B player things, you are at least doing better than C players. But you will never be an A player using the B player playbook.

Is that a tradeoff you are consciously making?

Of course it is too reductive to reduce pluripotent people to “A players” and “B players”. You can be both in different domains, or transition from one to the other. And of course this is nowhere near as bad as the real-life ”glass ceiling” or a ”bamboo ceiling” in normal careers, where a certain set of the workforce is unable to progress by sheer fact of who they are. That is obviously despicable and is a far more important societal issue.

But the meta-creator ceiling is interesting to me because it is a path that new creators follow by choice, yet without being aware of it’s limitations because nobody is incentivized to warn them. Perhaps because it is an easier game than others, or perhaps because of hype and marketing.

No judgment — I of all people know that there are many ways to avoid asking what it is I really want to do with my life.

Perhaps some definitions are in order: A “Meta-Creator” is someone who creates content about creating, instead of just creating.

The temptation toward being a Meta-Creator is extremely high. There are three paths:

  • The A-B-C Loop: People want success porn. They are oblivious to the narrative fallacy and ignore luck and complicating details. Your success creating success porn gains you access to more successful people who are only too happy to let you write their hagiography. You can spend an entire career mythologizing successful people, living a life of a bard rather than a hero. Always the vibesmaid, never the vibe.
  • The Creator Strange Loop: To quote the always-brilliant Philip Kiely: “First you do X, then you make content about doing X, then you make content about that content… One day you realize you haven’t done X for six months. And there is only so much room for content at the highest levels of abstraction.” Every single step makes logical sense because you have credibility from having just done the thing. After a while every step you take you wind back up at the same spot because you’re in the generic Creator strange loop everyone has pigeonholed you in.
  • The Audience-Building Loop: The natural end game of the current Audience-First and Build in Public memes is that you naturally attract an audience of wannabe builders. There are only so many topics they want to buy, and so many things to incestuously sell to each other. The successful cohorts will be supported by the far bigger unsuccessful ones in a self-organizing pyramid scheme.

To be extremely clear: You can be enormously successful and happy being a Meta-Creator, and bring success and happiness to millions, and that is no small feat. I enjoy Tim Ferris’ podcasts and Tren Griffin’s blogposts. No judgment if that’s your thing. The economics make sense too — in a gold rush, go mine a bit of gold, then sell copies of the shovel you used because it is now “proven” to work. Just don’t spend too long thinking about who arranged those economics in the first place.

But, one, you may have a lower chance of success pursuing this path than others, because it is both available to everyone and zero-sum.

But I write for reason two: the sneaking suspicion that even if you win and are top of the heap at the Meta-Creator game, you are still limiting yourself from what you could be doing with your life. What the people you actually look up to are doing with theirs. What the world could be benefiting from if the greatest minds of our generation just applied themselves to other problems than “How to Crush it on Twitter” or “Get a Million YouTube Subscribers” or the 3923rd “How Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger Think” blogpost. I promise you Musk or Bezos or Obama or Malala or whoever you look up to spend zero time as meta-creators.

Smart, capable people like you and I can often approach life with more ambition than direction. We want success more than we want to solve hard problems.

I think the way to approach the question of “what do I do to be successful”, may be to flip it on its head:

Assume you will be successful at whatever game you play. Are you playing a game worth winning?

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” - Theodore Roosevelt


Tagged in: #reflections

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  • avatar of Mike Kalvas
    Mike Kalvas mentioned this on 2021-09-08

    Great to keep in mind in a time of unprecedented career mobility. “Assume you will be successful at whatever game you play. Are you playing a game you want to win?”…

  • avatar of Moghal Saif
    Moghal Saif mentioned this on 2021-09-05
  • avatar of Vaibhav
    Vaibhav mentioned this on 2021-08-27

    This is such a fine piece written by @swyx. It talks about things from an "upper level" which I am big fan of.

  • avatar of Ar Nazeh
    Ar Nazeh mentioned this on 2021-08-27

    Influencers hopefully will realize one day that most of their audience is after reasonable success, and that is pretty doable with zero optimization for productivity or serendipity or whatever, just work. Nothing you can say to help anyone achieve wild success, except snake oil.

  • avatar of swyx
    swyx mentioned this on 2021-08-27

    i very nearly went with that title for the blogpost but felt it wouldve been too niche 😂

  • avatar of Cedric Chin
    Cedric Chin mentioned this on 2021-08-27

    “The men who stare at GOATs” is an amazing phrase!

  • avatar of Joe Sasson
    Joe Sasson mentioned this on 2021-08-24

    Great post by @swyx… Many excellent points here. My take: There are many at bottom rung of the audience building game trying to get up, and @sw

  •  mentioned this on 2021-08-08
  •  Abu Sayed mentioned this on 2021-08-08

    Why I’m not a VC (yet)

    Imagine a job where you make $600k a year investing other people’s money (no downside) into amazing founders, try to be helpful, and make as much as $20 million over 10 years. Pretty sweet right?

    Those numbers aren’t hypot

  • avatar of Lesley 🍕
    Lesley 🍕 mentioned this on 2021-05-25

    This is 🔥🔥🔥 And also largely why I stopped trying to actively build an audience and just started using twitter to m̶a̶k̶e̶ f̶u̶n̶ o̶f̶ hang out with friends. Seriously don't know how @swyx casually churns out gems like these.

  • avatar of swyx
    swyx mentioned this on 2021-05-25

    alternative name for Meta-Creators: The Men Who Stare at GOATs 🐐

  •  mentioned this on 2021-04-22
  •  mentioned this on 2021-04-22
  • avatar of R 'Nearest' Nabors 💙
    R 'Nearest' Nabors 💙 mentioned this on 2021-04-21

    Been thinking about this post by @swyx:… I've been in the creator strange loop before (looking at you, Web Animation). What game do you want to win? Are you playing for yourself?

  • avatar of Local Tourist
    Local Tourist mentioned this on 2021-04-11

    Good points by @swyx… - people who are good at making things are usually not good at describing HOW they made those things. And then there's the people who are claiming they will tell

  • avatar of Jess Telford
    Jess Telford mentioned this on 2021-04-07

    Interesting thoughts by @swyx: Just remixing / curating others has limited upside. Creating something NEW is potentially unlimited. I wonder though; could curation be a good audience building bootstrap before creating/selling a new thing?

  • avatar of StephenAfamO - @swish_ink
    StephenAfamO - @swish_ink mentioned this on 2021-04-07
  • avatar of Jhey 🐻🛠
    Jhey 🐻🛠 mentioned this on 2021-04-07

    Love this article from @swyx 👏 Very thought-provoking. My take? "Don't ride coattails, be the one wearing the coat!" 😎 ┬┴┬┴┤•ᴥ•ʔ├┬┴┬┴…

  • avatar of Sebastian Ruhleder
    Sebastian Ruhleder mentioned this on 2021-04-07

    “The natural end game of the current Audience-First and Build in Public memes is that you naturally attract an audience of wannabe builders. There are only so many topics they want to buy, and so many things to incestuously sell to each other.” Great post 👇

  • avatar of Rohit kr.
    Rohit kr. mentioned this on 2021-03-28

    Are you playing a game you want to win?…

  • avatar of Jan Meppe
    Jan Meppe mentioned this on 2021-03-23
  • avatar of Jon Yongfook
    Jon Yongfook mentioned this on 2021-03-23

    Perfect terminology!

  • avatar of swyx
    swyx mentioned this on 2021-03-23

    yah i felt dirty writing it but i had to write it to publicly commit to not doing it

  • avatar of Jamon 🚜
    Jamon 🚜 mentioned this on 2021-03-23

    The irony of reading your blog post about meta-creators is not lost on me.

  • avatar of Jamon 🚜
    Jamon 🚜 mentioned this on 2021-03-23

    It’s a good blog post, tbh. I liked it.

  •  mentioned this on 2021-02-11
  •  mentioned this on 2021-02-10

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