Notes on RSI for Developers

I’m not a medical authority, these are just my notes to self, please get professional help if you need it.

Basic Facts

What is RSI? (from Harvard RSI Action)

RSI stands for Repetitive Strain Injury. It includes a whole spectrum of conditions, from tendonitis of the hand or wrist to carpal tunnel syndrome to cubital tunnel syndrome. Basically, if your hands or wrists hurt or go numb or tingle, that may be RSI. If these symptoms are associated with repetitive tasks, such as typing at a computer, it is almost certainly RSI. (Note that such symptoms do sometimes go away within a few minutes, hours, days, or weeks.) Other symptoms include losing strength or coordination in your hands, or perhaps dropping things.

Not everyone experiences all symptoms, and sometimes your symptoms may not occur until several hours or even days after the activity which causes them. (Have you ever hiked a long way and not been really sore until the next day or even two days later?) Some people, especially at UHS, call RSIs Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs); it’s the same thing.

  • RSI seems to have many causes. Everyone’s RSI is different. The cause can be equipment, but contributing factors can be broader (overall body health like sleep/head/neck/back posture factors, psychological factors). Sometimes you might have RSI symptoms, but it might actually NOT be RSI!
  • Pronating wrists (turning face down) is bad - therefore the default mouse and keyboard alignment is bad! 😱
  • Tilting wrists up is bad - the normal up-sloping keyboard is bad. It should be exactly the opposite: image
  • Arm posture/lumbar/upper back support is important.
  • Constant pressure in one position is a cause - vary it up and take frequent breaks
  • Long key travel (up/down) is bad.
  • Long key travel (sideways) is bad therefore QWERTY is bad.
  • Multiple pressure at the same time is bad, therefore Ctrl+C/S/V with one hand is bad.
  • Sometimes the cause is psychosomatic - subconscious stress.
  • Exercise helps sometimes - pushups, pullups, dips, and situps. Not too much, though. Sleep too. But it doesn’t always fix RSI.
  • It is never “cured”, just managed. Know what triggers your RSI.

Basic/Cheap Recommendations


Expensive/Extreme Recommendations


If really bad, see a physiotherapist.

More Resources and Blogposts

“I’ve been battling RSI for 20+ years. Can recommend getting standard blood tests. I was extremely low in vitamin D. Once that was fixed, one whole layer of pain fell away.” - Matthew Taylor

My Context

I’m starting to feel some Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) in my left hand. A few weeks ago it was so intense I had to stop typing for a weekend. Fortunately I am right handed, so I could still do most other things well. I gave it some rest and then I made a full recovery. I’m feeling the beginnings of it again today. It’s a matter of time until I get hit by it again and don’t recover.

I decided to collect some information about it to make improvements now rather than later. If I intend to write as much code and words as I do for the rest of my life I better do this right. People have been forced to quit programming over stuff like this.

I’m not an expert here, just collecting notes and sharing it in public. I will update this over time as I learn more, please comment or @me and add more info and I will curate.

Tagged in: #reflections

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  • avatar of Jamie Tanna
    Jamie Tanna mentioned this on 2020-08-13
  • avatar of bot bot mentioned this on 2020-08-11

    Notes on RSI for Developers Who Don't Have It (Yet)…… #practices

  • avatar of Lobsters
    Lobsters mentioned this on 2020-08-11

    Notes on RSI for Developers Who Don't Have It (Yet) #practices…

  •  binyamin retweeted
  • avatar of Fariz
    Fariz mentioned this on 2020-08-04

    Thank you for writing this! @swyx…

  • avatar of Paul Galow
    Paul Galow mentioned this on 2020-07-22

    Sorry to hear that, @ChrisLAS. You might want to have a look at this:… For me managing stress levels, working out and stretching make all the difference. There is an exercise that has

  • avatar of Vlad Ionescu
    Vlad Ionescu mentioned this on 2020-06-21

    Take care of your health people! It doesn't feel real until it happens. Had a bad scare a couple years ago that finaly opened up my eyes.

  • avatar of Jennie Ji
    Jennie Ji mentioned this on 2020-06-21

    Highly recommend Microsoft Sculpt! Though I don't like the very plastic feeling key.

  • avatar of shawn swyx wang
    shawn swyx wang mentioned this on 2020-06-21

    thank you!! will add.

  • avatar of shawn swyx wang
    shawn swyx wang mentioned this on 2020-06-21

    well then I'm even more grateful that you did that!

  • avatar of Mike
    Mike mentioned this on 2020-06-21

    Not completely sure, I had it saved on my phone as a reminder for myself

  • avatar of Ian Geckeler
    Ian Geckeler mentioned this on 2020-06-21

    I've had carpal tunnel before and it is such a bummer. found that this book "Deskbound" is super in depth on this sort of problem… as well as this vid:

  • avatar of Tre Tuna
    Tre Tuna mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    I'm not even close to the first or only person doing this either. @keyboardio owners are using all kinds of camera mounts for it that gives full flexibility on separation and angles.

  • avatar of Paul Galow
    Paul Galow mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    Thanks for putting this together. There is a stretching exercise that has helped me a lot. I have to do it everyday though:… (Video in German)

  • avatar of shawn swyx wang
    shawn swyx wang mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    Vielen Dank! maybe you could make an english version of this 😂

  • avatar of Andrew Hill
    Andrew Hill retweeted
  • avatar of Michael Cheng 🇸🇬
    Michael Cheng 🇸🇬 retweeted
  • avatar of shawn swyx wang
    shawn swyx wang mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    that's what many people say. I personally felt some relief when I switched. not sure what exactly is so bad about it

  • avatar of shawn swyx wang
    shawn swyx wang mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    that looks so advanced... the hanging keyboard! </

  • avatar of Martin Brochhaus
    Martin Brochhaus mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    2.1 I strongly believe that the trick here is to put force on the wrist (pushups, throwing basketballs) and to losen up the whole body, especially the shoulders/neck (--> yoga, intense tunning and movement patterns during bball 1on1s)

  • avatar of Martin Brochhaus
    Martin Brochhaus mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    3. There's got to be a psychological and nutritional component to it as well. During long dev-sprints, lack of sleep, poor nutrition and heightened stress levels probably all increase the risks of inflammation in the entire body.

  • avatar of Martin Brochhaus
    Martin Brochhaus mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    so tl;dr: Stay healthy and use Vim ;)

  • avatar of shawn swyx wang
    shawn swyx wang mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    this is awesome! thanks! where is it from?

  • avatar of Martin Brochhaus
    Martin Brochhaus mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    2. Just one or two evening of 90min of intense basketball (just shooting and running for myself), can make the pain go away for weeks, even months. Didn't play during lockdown, pushups and Yoga seem to work in the same way.

  • avatar of Martin Brochhaus
    Martin Brochhaus mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    After almost 30 years of keyboard-work/play, I can definitely say 3 things: 1. Vim and abandoning mouse usage completely (Trackpad, but mostly Vim), made chronic pain go away. I can last dev-sprints for 2-3weeks before pain/fatigue creeps in. </

  • avatar of Mike
    Mike mentioned this on 2020-06-20
  • avatar of Abram Flansburg
    Abram Flansburg mentioned this on 2020-06-20

    I literally just went to my mbp keyboard and ditched my external - is the laptop one that bad?

  • avatar of Abram Flansburg
    Abram Flansburg retweeted
  • avatar of Kumar Harsh 🐺
    Kumar Harsh 🐺 retweeted
  • avatar of Jonathan Troyer
    Jonathan Troyer mentioned this on 2020-06-19

    Yeah it's expensive. No, I paid for it. No, I don't regret it one single bit.

  • avatar of Tre Tuna
    Tre Tuna mentioned this on 2020-06-19

    Definitely have to mention the Keyboardio Model01! It's the only keyboard that gives you camera mounting slots on the bottom so you can use custom mounts to do crazy stuff like this! I don't have RSI, yet, but since switching to this my wrists feel soooo much better typing.

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