Talk Notes: Third Age of JavaScript - Three Years In

Edit: This talk was also picked up on The New Stack and on the JSParty podcast, thanks to Richard and Jerod for the feature!

For the first time, I presented an updated version of my Third Age of JS talk at Reactathon 2022 this past week. The full talk is available on livestream (timestamp here) and I will update this post when the separate video is out.

Livestream version

Meanwhile, please check out the slides and the raw talk plan below, as well as Richard McManus’ fantastic writeup about the talk over at the New Stack!


Original talk

  • If the First Age was about building out a language, and the Second Age was about users exploring and expanding the language, the Third Age is about clearing away legacy assumptions and collapsing layers of tooling.
  • In summary: Third Age JS tools will be
    • Faster
    • ESM first
    • Collapsed Layers (One thing doing many things well instead of many things doing one thing well)
    • Typesafe-er (built with a strongly typed language at core, and supporting TS in user code with zero config)
    • Secure-er (from dependency attacks, or lax permissions)
    • Polyglot
    • Neo-Isomorphic (recognizing that much, if not most, JS should run first at buildtime or on server-side before ever reaching the client)
  • The result of all of this work is both a better developer experience (faster builds, industry standard tooling) and user experience (smaller bundles, faster feature delivery). It is the final metamorphosis of JavaScript from site scripting toy language to full application platform.

Updated talk

Framework for new developments

discard pile

Tagged in: #strategy #javascript

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